LIFT co-presents "Becoming Sensor in Sentient Worlds: Elke Marhofer and Natasha Myers"

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The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT)
“Becoming Sensor in Sentient Worlds: Elke Marhöfer and Natasha Myers”

Elke Marhöfer is the 2016 Goethe-LIFT Artist-in-Residence
Thursday, October 27, 2016
7:00pm – 8:30pm
Pix Film
1411 Dufferin Street, Suite C
FREE Admission
A multi-disciplinary artist, Marhöfer has made over a dozen films over the last decade, often addressing the concept of affective ecology—a study that looks at the emotional relationships between human beings and the rest of the living and non-living world. Elke tests nonhuman perspectives, translating a technology like the camera from a human cultural and technical device into an extension of forces within the surrounding environment. Her approach could be seen as an attempt to remove the anthropocentrism from anthropology, to move beyond the binaries humans give the world.
On October 27, Marhöfer will be giving a presentation with Natasha Myers, associate professor in the Department of Anthropology at York University. Myers will talk about her collaboration with filmmaker and dancer Ayelen Liberona on an ecological exploration of an Oak Savannah in Toronto’s High Park while Marhöfer will talk about her approach to filmmaking in relation to her work-in-progress being made at LIFT.

Source: Whats on Toronto original article at LIFT co-presents "Becoming Sensor in Sentient Worlds: Elke Marhofer and Natasha Myers"

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