Minister Says Conservatives Not Happy With Ford

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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Immigration Minister of Canada, Chris Alexander, mentioned in an unambiguous statement that the federal government will be continuing work with Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, even though the Conservatives are “not fans” of anyone who uses hard drugs. During an elaborative interview, he explained that “the bottom line for the federal government is we have to work with a mayor of Toronto. We have to keep working with Toronto city council. We have work to get done on building subways, on building infrastructure projects, on responding to the needs of the people of this great city, and we don’t want this incident, this distraction, to detract from that work anymore than it already has.”

Referring to their previous rifts with Federal Liberal Leader, Justin Trudeau, for his stance to support for legalizing and regulating marijuana, Alexander repeated that “we are never going to be fans of anyone who sets a poor example by their personal behaviour in any elected position. We’ve made that clear with regard to Justin Trudeau’s comments over the summer [about smoking pot].”

Straightforwardly displaying agitation against the Mayor, Alexander stated that “I’ll make them [our views] clear about Rob Ford right now. We’re not fans of anyone who is promoting, by their behaviour, the use of illegal drugs, drugs that are harmful and drugs that are illegal.” Furthermore, he added that “harder drugs, it goes without saying, have been part of our agenda to take organized crime, to take the undermining, the terrible effect, that drug networks and drug use can have in our societies, out of the equation. We have made progress in many of these areas but clearly we have more work to do.”

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