Capt. Robert Semrau: Not guilty of murder

This article was last updated on May 19, 2022

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Canadian Forces Capt. Robert Semrau has been acquitted of murdering a wounded Taliban fighter. However, the military panel did find him guilty of the defence act charge of behaving in a disgraceful conduct. Such a charge carries a sentence of up to 5 years in jail however Semrau will more than likely be discharged.

The entire incident dates back to 2008 when stories began to come out about possible "inappropriate conduct" regarding the death of a "presumed insurgent". An enquiry by the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service led to second-degree murder charges being filed against Capt. Semrau. During a joint operation involving Canadian and Afghan forces, a supposed Taliban insurgent was found who was badly wounded and near death. Capt. Semrau, following a long time code of soldiers, supposedly fired two rounds into the dying fighter as an act of mercy. No solder in Canadian history has ever been found guilty of shooting a wounded, unarmed combatant on the battlefield. The 4 person military judicial panel did not find Semrau guilty of second-degree murder, attempted murder and negligent performance of duty.

Prosecutors had a difficult time proving their case as there was no body; the insurgent had been left to the locals for burial and proof only came from eye-witness accounts which at times were conflicting. Legal experts do seem to be in agreement that the outcome is appropriate given the circumstances. They also seem to be in agreement that "mercy killing" is not a desirable action and disregards the rules of international humanitarian law.

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1 Comment

  1. A miscarriage of justice, At the most he should be fined and allowed to return to his Regiment. If he is Dishonourably Discharged it would be a shame and will have far reaching ramifications within the Army. Our troops will be reluctant to fire just in case they hit and kill unarmed insurgents, if they do who knows they might have someone spill the beans and tell some higher up who would in turn have this soldier up on court martial. A farce…. but we have some namby pambys who have never been in a combat situation or even been on a battlefield running the administration part of the Forces. If tossed out Capt. Semrau should be contacted by either the British or American Forces and allowed to join them, He is too valuable a soldier to be wated like this.

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