Americans Say NO to Illegal Aliens Being Housed in Their Communities

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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Tens of thousands of illegal aliens are being transported across the country to stay at facilities for unspecified periods of time, at the taxpayers’ expense. An estimated two-thirds of these aliens are adults with children, and one-third are unaccompanied minors, mostly males between the ages of 14-17. Americans, angered by the government’s unwillingness to stop the flow, are losing patience, as seen by the protests in California. Angry protestors blocked the road to buses headed for a facility in Murrieta carrying close to 150 illegal aliens who had arrived from Texas on a charter flight. Unable to pass, the three buses changed their route and went to another facility. The buses contained the first of several groups of illegal aliens who were to be transported to this area.

The local mayor, Alan Long, said at a press conference prior to the confrontation, “Murrieta expects our government to enforce our laws, including the deportation of illegal immigrants caught crossing our borders, not disperse them into our local communities.” Most Americans would agree.

Illegal minors are being released to what one hopes are family members or are being found foster care. How long will this take? If neither is found, what happens? One can safely assume none of these minors will ever leave the United States, and it appears an estimated 90,000 will be entering this year.

In most cases, alien adults and families are being released and given a date to report to a local Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office. Of course, a majority of these individuals will disappear into the community and ignore the requirements. They know from word of mouth that they can unlawfully enter and remain in this country without any repercussions. Not showing up at ICE or immigration court carries no enforced penalty. Presently, close to 900,000 illegal aliens reside in this country who have been ordered deported by a court, yet they remain.

So why are Americans, widely known as one of the most welcoming people in the world, acting so inhospitable? Let’s see, could it be:

  • National security or crime fears from not knowing the criminal backgrounds of the newcomers? 
  • Employment concerns, as they see the next wave of cheap labor entering an already dismal job market? 
  • Fiscal concerns, as so many of the aliens will require state and local assistance, despite the $2.3 billion being spent for resettlement?
  • Medical fears based on tens of thousands crossing the border without the exams required of legal immigrants? Maybe some have heard of the multiple swine flu cases discovered or the outbreak of scabies? 
  • A growing irritation that U.S. laws are being ignored without any penalty? 
  • Concern about their children’s education, knowing that the schools and teachers in their area will be overwhelmed with new children who will all need extra assistance? Education comes with a cost as well — an estimated $10,000 to educate a child for one year.

Americans are rightly worried about the impact of so many illegal aliens entering this country. If only the president would appear to notice the valid concerns of the citizens he represents. Thus far, the only people he seems concerned about are the illegal aliens. It looks like some citizens in California have had enough.

Americans Say NO to Illegal Aliens Being Housed in Their Communities

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