Manitoba Starts Efforts to Tame Record Flood Levels

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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Manitoba has attempted to alleviate the rising water levels by deliberate breaching the Portage Diversion wall despite having had to intentionally flood the lands of nine farmers in the process. The flood’s crest passed through Portage la Prairie, Man., on Wednesday, where only the farmers in the line of the deliberate cut were affected.

The province has now anticipated that the crests would travel east coming on Thursday night, while another second crest is expected to hit Brandon, Man., around July 17, which is projected to be even higher than the first. Manitoba Water Stewardship’s Steve Topping stated that “we’re not looking at a second crest that would be anything approaching what we’re seeing right now — once you’re east of the Souris.”

According to the Emergency Measures Organization Minister, Steve Ashton, “the issue here is whether there will be a higher crest than was initially expected,” and “the second question is whether it will be at or close to the level seen in 2011.” Ashton alleged that the province is equipped to fight either way and will battle as much as possible as it has emergency-response teams at the ready. He said that “we have been preparing and we are prepared, but we’re not taking anything for granted over the next period of time.” One of the affected farmers, Kevin Yuill, has lost 200 acres of canola so far, despite trying to build a dike. “We have more going under as we speak,” he said Wednesday afternoon.

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