This article was last updated on April 16, 2022
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The U.S. General commanding NORAD, Charles Jacoby, has revealed in his latest remarks that there is an increased presence of Russian military activity in and around North America since the crisis in Crimea. During an interview while at the Halifax International Security Forum (HISF), General Jacoby alleged that “the Russian narrative has picked up in volume and stridency since Ukraine and Crimea,” adding that “I think that we have clearly seen that threats now go beyond the extremist threat and we see Russia emerge as a problem for us security-wise.”
General Jacoby is not usually available for an interview but he made an exception probably because he is leaving the post of commander of North American Aerospace Defence Command (NORAD) in two weeks. The sixth annual HISF was a three-day event bringing together about 300 security experts, senior politicians and military officials from around the world. General Jacoby was one of seven four-star generals who attended the Halifax meeting.
General Jacoby has done 37 years’ service in military, including spells in Afghanistan, Iraq and as chief of strategy at the Pentagon. He took the NORAD command in August 2011, which has its headquarters in Colorado and employs 200 Canadians and 1,500 Americans. In his remarks, General Jacoby further added that “I know that Canadians are well aware of the challenges of unwanted and unannounced Russian strategic systems operating in the American defence identification zone and Canadian air defence … zones.”
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