Transit of Venus In Front of Sun 2012
It only happens once every 120 years and scientists aboard the International Space Station will photograph the reason Captain Cook sailed to Tahiti Captain Cook ……Read More
It only happens once every 120 years and scientists aboard the International Space Station will photograph the reason Captain Cook sailed to Tahiti Captain Cook ……Read More
Exploring Space from Tranquility’s Cupola The Italian made Cupola that was just added to the International Space Station will make viewing space from the ISS ……Read More
I‘ve just spent the last two days at the National Academies of Science listening to a long strong of folks talk about the Science of ……Read More
Update 115am CDT 4/23/2012: Per the Japanese.. last time this sort of thing occurred was about 300 years ago: Quote the article: “Magnetic field ……Read More
Newberry Crater south of Bend soon could become a bit more active, now that the BLM has approved a closely watched geothermal test project. "There ……Read More
“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” – Sherry Anderson. This great quote is from someone who in my mind ……Read More
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