This article was last updated on April 16, 2022
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This week has been historic for Toronto taxpayers. After months of negotiations, the City and CUPE Local 416, representing outside City workers, reached an agreement that was unanimously approved by Toronto City Council on Wednesday.
This agreement is fantastic news. It is fair and reasonable for employees and taxpayers alike.
The collective agreement approved by Council will provide labour stability for the next four years.
Most importantly, this collective agreement will allow City managers to improve customer service through flexible work practices. These new management flexibilities will contribute up to $100 million in savings over the next four years.
Management will now be able to revise shift schedules, redeploy workers more easily and limit running lunches to when it is only operationally efficient. Also, employment security provisions regarding contracting out will now apply to employees with 15 years of seniority or more.
This new collective agreement was made possible by the efforts from both sides of the bargaining table. Their hard work will save taxpayers millions of dollars; while at the same time will help improve the delivery of public services in Toronto. The willingness of all those involved to bargain seriously to avoid a labour disruption is good news for everyone who lives, works, plays and does business in the City of Toronto. I want to thank them all for their dedication and commitment to delivering quality public services to our City.
As Councillor Ford and I continue on our "Cut the Waist" Challenge, we invite you to join us for another community walk tomorrow at the Malvern Town Centre (Mclevin Ave. & Neilson Rd.) beginning at 1:00 PM.
Enjoy this Family Day long weekend with your loved ones.
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