This article was last updated on April 16, 2022
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MORBIUS is the story of a genius doctor trying to cure himself. Michael Morbius (Jared Leto) is a celebrated doctor who has invented 'artificial blood', which has saved millions of lives worldwide. He is handicapped since birth and is trying to find a cure for it. His research leads him to conclude that mixing the DNA of bats will be the cure that he's looking for. He manages to trap several bats in Costa Rica and secretly brings them to his lab in New York. He begins an experiment on a rat and it produces encouraging results. Morbius then along with his colleague, Dr Martine Bancroft (Adria Arjona), goes to the international waters in a ship. There, Martine injects himself with bat serum. Morbius gets cured of his handicap but also injects himself with a form of vampirism instead. In a fit of uncontrolled rage, he ends up killing the ship's crew. Morbius destroys the CCTV footage and escapes. Meanwhile, Lucian aka Milo (Matt Smith) is a close childhood friend of Morbius and is also handicap. Morbius had assured him that he'll cure Milo as well. After the episode on the ship, Morbius decides to not use it on Milo. However, Milo is dying to be 'normal' and hence, secretly injects himself with the serum, leading to madness. What happens next forms the rest of the film.
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