Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Makeover

Marjorie Taylor Greene

This article was last updated on August 22, 2023

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USA: Free $30 Oye! Times readers Get FREE $30 to spend on Amazon, Walmart…Our DC source occasionally drops some political gossip and we found this one too juicy not to share. Right-wing fanatic and die-hard Donald Trump supporter, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is giving herself a MAKEOVER in hopes of being selected as Trump’s running mate if he secures the Republican nomination and isn’t in prison.

Donald’s known for being misogynistic, and calculating Marjorie figured she was too fat and frumpy for him to seriously consider her to be vice president. She’s on a diet and already lost 10 pounds, and has hired a professional stylist to update her hair, makeup and wardrobe. She’s also had her teeth whitened and some minor cosmetic procedures. Our source blabs that Marj is even looking into scheduling plastic surgery during a congressional recess, hoping to reshape her nose and soften her features.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Makeover

Marjorie Taylor Greene, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, is determined to make herself more appealing to secure the position of Trump’s running mate in the event he secures the Republican nomination. Aware of Trump’s well-documented misogyny, Greene has taken it upon herself to undergo a complete makeover to shed her perceived “fat and frumpy” image.

One of the first steps Greene has taken towards her transformation is embarking on a weight loss journey. She has managed to lose 10 pounds so far by adhering to a strict diet. In addition, she has enlisted the help of a professional stylist to revamp her hair, makeup, and wardrobe, aiming for a more polished and put-together look.

Not stopping at just surface-level changes, Greene has also undergone teeth whitening treatments to enhance her smile. She has also undergone minor cosmetic procedures to refine her facial features. Taking her transformation even further, our insider has revealed that Greene is considering scheduling plastic surgery during a congressional recess, with the intention of reshaping her nose and achieving a softer appearance.

Ambitions for the Vice Presidency

Greene’s efforts to reinvent herself are driven by a desire to be considered a serious contender for the position of vice president. Recognizing Trump’s preference for aesthetically pleasing individuals in his circle, Greene is acutely aware of the importance of her physical appearance in securing her ambitions.

Although it is widely known that Trump has displayed misogynistic tendencies, Greene remains unfazed. She sees her makeover as a strategic move to overcome any initial perception of her being unfit for the role due to her weight and style choices. By undergoing a complete transformation, Greene hopes to present herself as a more suitable candidate in Trump’s eyes.

The Quest for Relevance

The pursuit of the vice presidency is not solely motivated by personal ambition for Marjorie Taylor Greene. As a staunch Trump loyalist, she is determined to stay relevant in Trump’s political camp. With the possibility of Trump securing the Republican nomination again, Greene sees aligning herself as his running mate as a path to maintain her influence and political relevance.

By positioning herself as a key member of Trump’s inner circle, Greene hopes to solidify her role in advancing his agenda and promoting his loyalist base. While some may view her efforts as mere self-serving actions, Greene believes that by undergoing a complete makeover, she can demonstrate her commitment to Trump’s cause and secure her spot alongside him.

Controversy Surrounding the Makeover

Not surprisingly, Greene’s makeover has generated controversy and criticism. Critics argue that her complete transformation reflects the superficiality of politics and reinforces unfair beauty standards for women in positions of power.

Furthermore, some political analysts have questioned the authenticity of Greene’s makeover. They argue that her decision to alter her physical appearance in order to appeal to Trump only perpetuates the problematic idea that a woman’s worth is determined by her looks.

Despite the backlash, Greene remains resolute in her transformation. She sees it as a necessary step in gaining Trump’s attention and solidifying her position within the Republican party.


Marjorie Taylor Greene, a fervent supporter of Donald Trump, is determined to make herself a more appealing candidate for the position of vice president. Through her weight loss, updated image, and potential plastic surgery, she hopes to overcome any preconceived notions about her suitability for the role. While her makeover has sparked controversy, Greene remains steadfast in her pursuit of a position alongside Trump.

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