This article was last updated on April 16, 2022
Canada: Oye! Times readers Get FREE $30 to spend on Amazon, Walmart…
USA: Oye! Times readers Get FREE $30 to spend on Amazon, Walmart…
A few years ago when I came to Canada, I couldn’t find much about youth by youth from a youth perspective. As I grew, I felt there was a need for a theme that would lead the newcomers –‘youth immigrants’ like myself, in a positive direction. Therefore, I have decided to start a “Welcome Club” for new young immigrants whether they are, elementary, middle or high school students so that they can understand the Canadian educational system as well as enjoy the school’s social life. While they meet the expectations of their respective teachers, this club will be a great help for new members to our country. To answer this need, myself, an 8th grader at Stewarttown Middle School in Georgetown, founded a club called, ‘PEACE Welcome Club’ on February 29th, this year.
The aim of the “PEACE Welcome Club” is to provide an opportunity for new young immigrants to understand their new school environment and to celebrate the Canadian way of life and friendship. Being a young immigrant myself, I will share my experiences and it would be great to hear from others who are living a similar situation.
I am passionate about volunteering and the thing that I enjoy the most is give back to the community! The communities of Halton, Peel and the GTA are well known to me. I enjoy volunteering and I’ve been told my efforts are inspiring to others to also volunteer at community events. I am currently a member of the Volunteer Halton Youth Advisory Council and their ‘Change The World’ campaign.
Through this club, I would like to contribute to the community and let others know that volunteering can be an excellent way to adapt to local culture while contributing to society and having fun.
I am sure the “PEACE Welcome Club” will also help young people keep their values. But I think it is very important that they 'understand the Canadian landscape not in a superficial way but in a real way'… so they can keep what is good and change what is not.
If you are a new immigrant student and this club appeals to you, please feel free to contact me any time at gill.harnoor@hotmail.com
Harnoor Gill
Grade 8 student
Stewarttown Middle School
Georgetown, Ontario
Well sacomment_ID and well done!!
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many congratulations upon your enormous commitment to comment_date .. it is impressive and your community must be very proud of you.
Congrats for Harnoor for making a difference!!
Thanks for your great work! It’s wonderful what you’ve been up to, and I’m thrilled to hear of your efforts!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are an inspiration to many –
Keep up the good work!!
Peace Welcome Club rocks!!! I watched the vcomment_IDeos on youtube:
Well done!
Thank you for all you do Harnoor –
Blessings upon you!!
YOU rock!
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Peace Welcome Club
Harnoor, you shall go far. I can see you in the future, as an ambitious young man who will come to change the world. Congrats, and keep up the life changing activities! 😉
Well done Harnoor. Please conscomment_IDer supporting an organization called “Peace Welcome Club” by LIKING their facebook page. Harnoor who started this volunteer initiative last year to empower Newcomer youth to Canada is one of our youth volunteer leaders. He is just 15 years old and have bought, collected, sorted and recorded over 2000 jeans and shipped to India and China to support poor kcomment_IDs. Moreover, he has been in the news for his efforts and have inspired other youths across worldwcomment_IDe communities to take on leadership roles within their own communities.. I’ve been asked to help spread awareness and ask people to LIKE their facebook in support. The more likes the better as it will show NEWCOMER Youth we do care! I haven’t been on here much over the years, but I know the OYE! TIMES Community has always been very supportive of great causes. Thank you for your support.