IDPs In Abyei Sudan Need Food And Medical Services

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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Non Governmental Organizations currently operating in Abyei’s conflict zone have said that the Internally Displaced Persons, IDPs lack necessary basic services and are in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

In a statement issued yesterday to the press in Juba, Management System International, MSI described the situation on ground in the oil rich region as volatile.

“The whole town has been emptied and thousands of people are on the move in a bid to escape the fighting. The situation in the area remains extremely volatile,” MSI Public outreach Specialist Uma Julius said.

Julius added that; “most people fled their homes with belongings, and travelling conditions are particularly harsh now that the rainy season has started and the roads are muddy, there are severe signs of dehydration among many children who are on the move. We are very concerned about the harsh conditions the displaced population has to endure on the roads.

He further pointed out that, the health conditions for children are rapidly deteriorating if something is not done promptly.

Meanwhile, the Head of Mission of the Medicines Sans Frontiers, MSF Raphael Gorgeu spoke to Gurtong exclusively yesterday and described the situation as needy. He said that many IDPs were still moving towards south in mass numbers.

“We witnessed movement of people out of Agok, Abyei capital towards the south –especially on Monday night,” Raphael said. He added that; “We have seen thousands of people – mainly women and children – carrying bags or sitting on mats on the side of the road, exhausted by hours of walking,” Raphael said.

He explained that, the populations of both Abyei and Agok have been displaced and are spread out in several different areas: near Turalei, Mayen-Abun and on the road to Agok.”

“Our teams have been on the roads between Turalei and Agok, where the displaced people are scattered,” says Gorgeu,” he added.

He said that, since the beginning of this week, NGOs have travelled to the area to assess the situation. “Severe problems on ground are lack of food, clean water, medical services, and shelter,” Raphael said.

The humanitarian assistance delivered to the IDPs by the NGOs is inadequate, as insecurity threats last week scared several organizations that could provide adequate basic services to the displaced persons.

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