Unruly Officers Sacked: Police Boss

This article was last updated on May 21, 2022

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The Director in charge of the South Sudan Police Service Auxiliary forces in Greater Upper Nile Brigadier General Mathew Mathiang Magordit told Gurtong that the soldiers have been sacked for variously contravening the police code of conduct.

“The soldiers were dismissed for getting drunk while on duty. This is dangerous as some have been known to misuse their guns while under the influence. This poses a great danger to fellow soldiers and civilians”, he said.

He added that others were sacked over continued and unexplained absence from duty.

“Some of them decided to abscond duty and even ended up spending close to two or three months away from work. We cannot allow such and as a result we have resolved to remain with officers who are committed to serve the army”, said Brigadier General Magordit.

Speaking during the general parade at the new Auxiliary Police Camp at Pakwau Wednesday, the police boss ordered his forces to return their weapons whenever they are not assigned any duties in the town.

“I also direct that all officers should not adorn official attire when out of duty to avoid being easy targets in public places”, he said.

He at the same time appealed to the Government of South Sudan’s Ministry of Interior Affairs to fully support the Auxiliary Police Service operations.

Jonglei State has more than 2,000 forces supporting disarmament operations in the state.

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