Wau Hospital Opens Fistula Operation Department

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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Fistula is a common disease that affects women between two organs of the body or between the organ and the skin that would not normally exist.

Fistula is also known as a dangerous disease that complicates women during their delivery period through narrowing women’s pelvic and may also cause rapture in the women’s urethra.

Dr. James Ukellosaid the disease affect most women in south Sudan during delivery.

He said that the disease sometimes contributes to divorce if it is not understood by the man or woman.

The doctor says that the infection sometimes lead to divorce of a woman if the not well understood.

The hospital has already successfully operated 22 women last week in Wau.

The hospital has two qualified nurses trained in Ethiopia and they will help the two gynecologists who will carry out the operation on the patients.

The surgery and operation of fistula is open and free of charge for all those affected.

The doctor said the same operation is being conducted in Upper Nile State.

According to the Fistula Foundation, Obstetric fistula is the most devastating and serious of all childbirth injuries.

It happens because most mothers in poor countries give birth without any medical help. Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are among the leading causes of death and disability for women of reproductive age in these places.

During labor contractions, the baby’s head is constantly pushing against the mother’s pelvic bone — causing tissue to die due to lack of blood flow to this area. All of that pushing creates a hole, or in medical terms a “fistula”, between the birth passage and an internal organ such as the bladder or rectum.

A woman cannot hold her urine, and sometimes bowel content as well.

Her baby is unlikely to survive. If she survives, a woman with fistula is likely to be rejected by her husband because of her inability to bear more children and her foul smell.

She will be shunned by her community and forced to live an isolated existence. These women suffer profound psychological trauma resulting from their utter loss of status and dignity, in addition to suffering constantly from their physical internal injury.

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