Tory to Support Extension of Toronto Police Chief Blair

This article was last updated on May 26, 2022

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Mayoral candidate John Tory has openly expressed his support for the extension or renewal of contract with current Toronto Police Chief, Bill Blair. In a question at a press conference on Thursday morning, Mr. Tory was asked if he think Chief Blair’s contract, expiring in April of next year, should be renewed.

In his response, Mr. Tory explained that “I think he’s doing a good job, and I think that he’s a person that’s going to be necessary in doing some of the things we have to do in years ahead to provide for better policing and for the kinds of constraints that I think we have to look at to constrain the growth in police spending.” He added that “I think he’s the right man to do some of that job.” Blair has been leading the force since 2005. In case he decides to seek extension, he is supposed to inform to the Toronto Police Services Board in the coming weeks about his decision. Depending upon Blair’s resolution, the board will make its own decision. So far, Mr. Blair has refrained from discussing the matter in public.

However, the issue of Blair’s renewal is quite controversial as police board vice-chair, Michael Thompson, has openly opposed it. He filed a case against the organization in March after the board voted to censure him for comments critical of the chief. In addition to that, Chief Blair has officially confessed to have been investigating Mayor Ford since October of last year.

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