Immigration Minister Calls Immigrants’ Values Test “Dangerous”

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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immigration minister calls immigrants’ values test “dangerous”Immigration Minister John McCallum has straight-forwardly labeled a controversial proposal by Conservative leadership candidate, Kellie Leitch, to screen immigrants for “anti-Canadian” values as “dangerous” and highlighted that it ignores processes that are already in place.

During an interview on Monday, McCallum alleged that the federal government is currently doing a good job right now of screening immigrants for security concerns and helping them prepare for their new life in Canada. He stressed that Leitch’s immigration proposal is “Orwellian” and “dog-whistle” politics. McCallum revealed that “I think it foments an anti-immigration sentiment which might be dormant but which is brought to the fore and it brings out those who now have a stronger pedestal for spouting anti-immigrant rhetoric.”

An MP running to lead the Conservative party, Leitch, sparked controversy for suggesting that immigrants should be screened for what she says are “anti-Canadian” values. The criticism of the proposal also include her own party. Former immigration minister, Jason Kenney, mentioned that “I don’t think she understands the nuance around these issues” and alleged that she’s taking an “improvised position.” However, recent polls are showing that there is an increased liking of the idea among many Canadians. A poll result published by the Star on Saturday pointed out that two-thirds of Canadians want prospective immigrants to be vetted for “anti-Canadian” values. A poll by Forum Research revealed that the idea is especially popular among Conservatives with 87 per cent backing the idea.

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