Successful Tear Fund Canada Fundraiser 2022

Tear Fund Canada

This article was last updated on June 19, 2022

Canada: Free $30 Oye! Times readers Get FREE $30 to spend on Amazon, Walmart…
USA: Free $30 Oye! Times readers Get FREE $30 to spend on Amazon, Walmart…Tear Fund Canada

On Saturday, June 11th, LoadUp Liquidation based Whitby, Ontario, hosted a successful yard sale with 30 vendors and over 1000 people in attendance!

Loadup liquidation purchases truckloads of AMZ returns and resells wholesale to individuals who want to make money from home, it is THE Side Hustle!

TearFund Canada received a check from LoadUp Liquidation which has been putting funds aside from every sale over the last year. The funds presented to TearFund will allow for hundreds of people to have an opportunity to escape extreme poverty and walk a path towards opportunity and hope.

The proprietor of LoadUp Liquidation, Tiffany Ashmeade, is featured in this photo’s caption, presenting a cheque to Matthew Schroeder, TearFund Canada’s marketing and public relations manager.

To learn more about LoadUp visit Loadupliquidation.Ca or find us on Facebook

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