This article was last updated on April 16, 2022
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Non-emergency phone numbers for British police forces across the country and the nationwide NHS 24 hour helpline have been restored after they encountered technical faults on Saturday.
Both services had suffered problems for up to two hours before the issues were resolved.
Motoring organisation RAC has said its breakdown number went down this morning after “Vodafone suffered a catastrophic failure to its telephone equipment” affecting “many large businesses” who are taking their services.
However, the emergency 999 number was unaffected but police issued warnings for fear the emergency number will be clogged with non-urgent calls.
The Metropolitan Police even tweeted at 11am that there were problems with the 101 number and told residents to visit their local station to report non-urgent crime. They also advised public to call 999 only to report serious situations.
Met police have also tweeted: “999 calls remain unaffected but Londoners are reminded to only use this in an emergency.”
Humberside Police have tweeted: “101 is not working nationally. Fault lies with some kit in Birmingham which is being worked on.”
A Home Office spokesperson has said: “There was a technical problem affecting the 101 service this morning but we have worked with our supplier, Vodafone, to address this and can now confirm that this issue has been resolved.”
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