This article was last updated on April 16, 2022
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In a move pundits are seeing as a trick aimed at creating divisions in the International Atomic Energy Agency whose up-coming meeting in Turkey at the end of January will certainly be focusing on Iran and its nuclear ambitions, Iran has sent out invitations for a tour of its nuclear facilities to Russia, China, Egypt and Cuba as well as Hungry which is currently serving a president of the European Union. Notable absences on this list of invitations include the United States, Britain, France and German.
It seems obvious that the plan is to drum up support for Iran and its nuclear ambitions while the United States chimed in by adding that this is merely an attempt by Iran to avoid living up to its obligations to the IAEA.
The tour is apparently scheduled for January 15-16 and would involve the country’s main uranium enrichment plant at Natanz and the heavy water facility at Arak.
Iran is seeking to placate the international community in an effort to ease sanctions against the country. It was reported back on December 20, 2010 how those sanctions may have been a contributing factor in the government’s decision to stop subsidising gasoline prices and letting gas quadruple in the country. Those sanctions are preventing the country to sell oil on the open market as easily as it could as well as affecting other exports which overall have reduced the government’s revenue.
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