Winterswijkse IJsvereniging overjoyed after being awarded the marathon

Winterswijkse IJsvereniging

This article was last updated on January 9, 2024

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Winterswijk overjoyed after being awarded the marathon: ‘I expected a madhouse’

The Winterswijkse IJsvereniging is euphoric that the first marathon on natural ice It will be held on Tuesday evening in Gelderland. Ice master Hendrik van Prooije and chairman Auke Spijkstra expect top crowds.

Years of Effort Pay Off

“I am not the only one who is ready for it. The entire association and the whole of Winterswijk is ready for it,” Van Prooije told, among others Omroep Gelderland. “What sense of community this has created is difficult to describe. I expect a madhouse with a lot of people.”

The association had been trying to organize the first natural ice marathon for several years. This year, Winterswijk competed with Haaksbergen for the allocation of the KNSB. It is the first time that Winterswijk has the scoop of a marathon on natural ice.

Preparations and Expectations

“Wonderful, this is a great feeling,” says chairman Spijkstra, who indicates that a lot still needs to be done. “All the fences have to be put up, the cookie-cutter has to come in. Quite a challenge, but it will work out.” Spijkstra finds it difficult to estimate how many people will attend the skating spectacle. “But we can fit a lot around the 400-meter track.”

Community Pride and Anticipation

Mayor Joris Bengevoord of Winterswijk is proud of the allocation. “This is a very nice compliment to the volunteers of the ice skating association. I expect that many people will come to Winterswijk. In any case, I will have a look.”

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