The End of the Trudeau Era and How Liberal Party History Repeats Itself

Justin Trudeau, Ed Broadbent, Child Soldiers, Easter, defense spending

This article was last updated on January 8, 2025

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The End of the Trudeau Era and How Liberal Party History Repeats Itself

With the door in Ottawa finally hitting Justin Trudeau in the ass and the Liberal Party already moving toward distancing itself from his dystopian legacy by rebranding itself as “The Anti-Trudeau Party”, a look back at history is quite pertinent.


If we go back to March 1983, Canadian journalist Jack Webster interviewed then Progressive Conservative and Opposition leader Brian Mulroney about the Pierre Trudeau government and his potential replacement, John Turner who took over the role in June 1984:



Here’s the exchange with my bold:


WebsterBut when they bring Turner out of the closet he too is the perfect candidate.  He can beat you in a way.  


Mulroney Oh no he can’t.  I’ll tell you this Jack, it’s going to take more than a cosmetic change at the last minute by the Liberal Party to change the thinking of this country.

I don’t want to talk about Mr. Turner or Mr. MacDonald or any one in particular but let me tell you this.  The damage and the and the sadness that have been inflicted on the Canadian people by the actions of a Liberal government for the last 15 years are so substantial that it’s going to take infinitely more than a cosmetic little change and a little typical Liberal shuffle at the last minute, one of their as they’re called in Quebec ‘un stunt’.  You know one of the great stunts the Liberals are capable of it’s going to take infinitely more than that to change the minds of the Canadian people about a government which has absolutely devastated this country.


We can only hope that Canadian voters don’t forget the Trudeau legacy.


This “stunt” is exactly the playbook that the post-Trudeau potential candidates for leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada are going to use, particularly former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland who, in her resignation letter already has distanced herself from her own fiscal agenda which saw Canada’s debt rise from $923.8 billion in September 2020 when she took office to $1.501 trillion in 2024 when she left office.  I’m betting that she won’t bring that subject up while she’s running to replace her old boss.


Former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s words would appear to be prophetic.  The Liberal Party of Canada will do its best to apply a pretty coat of lipstick on the pig that they have created for Canadians since they took control of Canada in October 2015.  All we can hope is that Canadian voters don’t forget their real legacy; out-of-control housing prices and rent, higher taxes including the carbon tax, a health care system that is on life support and, let’s not forget, their move to freeze Canadians who disagreed with their agenda out of the banking system.

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