Is this mysterious spiral UFO?
Is this mysterious spiral UFO? People in New Zealand were startled by a mysterious blue spiral in the sky. A lot of people thought it ……Read More
Is this mysterious spiral UFO? People in New Zealand were startled by a mysterious blue spiral in the sky. A lot of people thought it ……Read More
In a recent paper on the WIREs website, a group of scientists have weighed in on their concerns about one technology called Solar Geoengineering being ……Read More
European scientists say they have made a major breakthrough in their quest to develop practical nuclear fusion – the energy process that powers the stars. ……Read More
My belief is that the next "pandemic" to be unleashed on the useless eaters/organ donor class will be one that is connected to climate change. As ……Read More
Recent legislation from California shows the world just how thoroughly the political left has swallowed the climate change KoolAid. Let's look at the bill that Governor ……Read More
Now that elected and non-elected officials around the world have gained the knowledge that they can suspend our rights and freedoms without significant repercussions (in ……Read More
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