Gaddafi and Pakistan: Friends till the bitter end

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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The Hercules of Arabian and African politics, unofficially quoted by President Reagan as the “Mad Dog of Middle East”, Mr Gaddafi has finally woke up to the reality that its all over. Under the charter of UNSC resolution 1973 (I hope that’s the correct one), allied fighting force has unleashed itself on Libya.
This was on the cards, and the delay had put especially Obama in a difficult position. At odds with each other for nearly 3 decades, Gaddafi has defied international powers in every way possible. In history he had made his mark quite comprehensively many years back, mostly for negative reasons.
A preview on his life and rule somehow leaves one in a strange frame of mind. He tried to overtake some say the charm, fury and cunning of Che Guevara during his rule. His own infusion of Shariah and Socialism resulted in “Islamic Shariah”, with Libya becoming the prime example of this philosophy.
He has remained center of many prevailing conspiracies. From his involvement in international terrorism to supporting revolutionary wars, from an army of ladies supervising his personal security to the iron gripped governance in Libya, the man has always made it to the headlines, no matter how hard it has been.
Clearly, Libya has remained in peace under him as long as I can recall. Just for a reminder, a wave of sanction, stretched over a period of 2 decades, failed to break his will nor the stability of Libya. Infact, they survived and faced this situation with grace. Few years back, Gaddafi opened himself to West after claiming responsibility to the terror strikes (Lockerbie), paid repatriation and it seemed that he has been accepted well into the new world order. Reports were pouring in that his son, Saif has become apple for the Western diplomats, running for the oil reserves of Tripoli.
On the other hand, this episode has more to do with the capture of Pakistani scientist A.Q.Khan in the nuclear back market scandal. The consignment captured was believed to be for Libya, and once captured Gaddafi rolled out all his cards and intel, followed by an open declaration of saying “no” to acquiring nuclear weapons for his country.
2011 has taken every one by surprise. The lords of Tunisia and Egypt were deposed after ruling for decades with an “Iron Fist” , and the wave soon emerged in Libya. With initial victories, it seemed that Gaddafi has lost his claim but soon he turned the tables back. His troops went on a spree by capturing rebel held towns and breaking their advance. Just prior to the attack, it has become clear that the rebels were in no position to shatter the regime of Gaddafi. Now with US cruise missiles showering over Tripoli and French bombers attacking strategic targets, its just a matter of time before we see the climax. Americans can be expected of following the same trend of treating the foes as we saw in Iraq (hanging Saddam on Eid day and cursing him even when he was about to be hanged), and I believe Gaddafi fate wont be different at all.

Some time soon we will have CIA documents revealing, how in the disguise of business commitment, they have funneled in money and manpower to remove Gaddafi from power, after the relations became normal. In 10 years it was reported that only 1 murder has taken place in Libya, and I never heard some one dying of hunger as well. In any case, if Libyans wants democracy, who am I to argue, but to give the devil its due… Gaddafi kept their pride intact.  Rest will be decided in the upcoming days. Just for a token of appreciation, he has helped Pakistan out of the way especially under Bhutto, and in numerous other crisis faced by us.

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1 Comment

  1. Mr. Abbasi,

    If I can quote your article:

    “Clearly, Libya has remained in peace under him as long as I can recall.”

    “In 10 years it was reported that only 1 murder has taken place in Libya, and I never heard some one dying of hunger as well.”

    Are we talking about Muammar Gaddafi? The Libyan leader? Or is this Freddy Gaddafi the baker who lives in Benghazi?

    When I look out my window on the other scomment_IDe of the world, I see no earthquakes, I see no tsunamis. There may be a tendency to think Japan’s problems may not be so large. Or maybe Japan doesn’t have any problems at all.

    I live in Canada. It is not a perfect nation. However, you will never see me trading my position for another in order to brag about only 1 murder. (read: No way I’m moving to Libya!) I can find too many sources of information that completely contradict your statements.

    Yes, Canada is not perfect. Our Prime Minister may have his flaws. However, I wouldn’t trade Canada and our Prime Minister for Libya and Gaddafi in a million years.

    All the best

    wb 🙂

    Mr. Abbasi,

    If I can quote your article:

    “Clearly, Libya has remained in peace under him as long as I can recall.”

    “In 10 years it was reported that only 1 murder has taken place in Libya, and I never heard some one dying of hunger as well.”

    Are we talking about Muammar Gaddafi? The Libyan leader? Or is this Freddy Gaddafi the baker who lives in Benghazi?

    When I look out my window on the other scomment_IDe of the world, I see no earthquakes, I see no tsunamis. There may be a tendency to think Japan’s problems may not be so large. Or maybe Japan doesn’t have any problems at all.

    I live in Canada. It is not a perfect nation. However, you will never see me trading my position for another in order to brag about only 1 murder. (read: No way I’m moving to Libya!) I can find too many sources of information that completely contradict your statements.

    Yes, Canada is not perfect. Our Prime Minister may have his flaws. However, I wouldn’t trade Canada and our Prime Minister for Libya and Gaddafi in a million years.

    All the best

    wb 🙂

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