This article was last updated on January 17, 2025
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Mark Carney and Canadian Seditionists
Since many of you may be familiar with the word “sedition” but not what it actually entails, let’s open this posting with some background on the concept from a Canadian standpoint.
Sedition is commonly defined as words or speech that cause citizens to rebel against the government or governing authority.
In Canada, sedition includes several actions. According to the Government of Canada’s Justice Laws website, we find the following definition of seditious words, libel, conspiracy and intention:
Seditious words
59 (1) Seditious words are words that express a seditious intention.
Seditious libel
(2) A seditious libel is a libel that expresses a seditious intention.
Seditious conspiracy
(3) A seditious conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to carry out a seditious intention.
Seditious intention
(4) Without limiting the generality of the meaning of the expression seditious intention, every one shall be presumed to have a seditious intention who
(a) teaches or advocates, or
b) publishes or circulates any writing that advocates,
the use, without the authority of law, of force as a means of accomplishing a governmental change within Canada.
There are exceptions as follows:
60 Notwithstanding subsection 59(4), no person shall be deemed to have a seditious intention by reason only that he intends, in good faith,
(a) to show that Her Majesty has been misled or mistaken in her measures;
(b) to point out errors or defects in
(i) the government or constitution of Canada or a province,
(ii) Parliament or the legislature of a province, or
(iii) the administration of justice in Canada;
(c) to procure, by lawful means, the alteration of any matter of government in Canada; or
(d) to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters that produce or tend to produce feelings of hostility and ill-will between different classes of persons in Canada.
Punishment for seditious offences in Canada are as follows:
61 Every one who
(a) speaks seditious words,
(b) publishes a seditious libel, or
(c) is a party to a seditious conspiracy,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
Freedom of speech in Canada is protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms however, as you can see from what I posted above, it is not absolute. Speech that specifically incites violence, public disorder, or other unlawful conduct against the government may be considered sedition, however, it is extremely uncommon to be charged with sedition in Canada. So, in other words, Canadians have the freedom to speak until the government decides that they don’t.
Now, let’s get to the main point of this posting. Back in February 2022 during the Trucker’s Convoy which protested the federal government’s mandate that all truckers be vaccinated for COVID-19, Liberal candidate for Prime Minister Mark Carney submitted the following opinion piece to Canada’s Globe and Mail:
In his musings, we find this with my bolds:
“In our capital city, many people have been terrorized for more than a week. Women fleeing abuse have been harassed. Many elderly have been too afraid to venture outside their homes for groceries. Families have been deprived of sleep for days on end by the constant barrage of 100 decibel noise. Control over the city’s downtown core, which includes the Parliamentary Precinct, was ceded by the police and taken over by what the chair of the Police Services Board describes as an “insurrection.”
Canadians can be forgiven if they thought this would never happen in Ottawa.
The goals of the leadership of the so-called freedom convoy were clear from the start: to remove from power the government that Canadians elected less than six months ago. Their blatant treachery was dismissed as comic, which meant many didn’t take them as seriously as they should have.”
The leaders of the convoy never said that they wanted to remove the Trudeau government from power but never let a good fabrication get in the way of the truth. In fact, a press release from leader Tamara Lich clearly stated that the aim of the protest was not to overthrow the government. It’s actually pretty hard to overthrow a government with bouncy castles, singing the national anthem and honking horns.
On the first weekend, many Canadians who joined the demonstrations undoubtedly had peaceful objectives. Tired as we all are with unprecedented disruptions that we’ve all endured over the past two years, it’s understandable that many would want to come to Ottawa to protest. It’s a free country, and everyone should be able to express their opinions free of interference from the state, just as the press should be able to report without fear of harassment or intimidation.
But now in its second week, no one should have any doubt. This is sedition. That’s a word I never thought I’d use in Canada.
From now on, those who are occupying the downtown of our country’s capitalshould be in no doubt. They are no longer simply advocating a different strategy to end COVID-19. They are not patriots. This is not about “restoring freedom” but beginning anarchy.
Those who are still helping to extend this occupation must be identified and punished to the full force of the law.
Drawing the line means choking off the money that financed this occupation. Again, many Canadians who were amongst the initial donors were likely well meaning. Perhaps they were unaware of the convoy’s stated objectives, or – like many in positions of authority in Ottawa – they didn’t take them seriously. Perhaps all they wanted was a new COVID-19 policy with fewer restrictions.
But by now anyone sending money to the convoy should be in no doubt: You are funding sedition…. Canadian authorities should take every step within the law to identify and thoroughly punish them.“
And, right he was. His minion, fellow World Economic Forum Board of Trustees member and obedient globalist fringe member Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland did her best to choke off the “funding of sedition” by locking Canadians out of their bank accounts as shown here:
“I know from experience that crises don’t end by themselves….You must recognize the scale of the challenge, devise a clear plan and then implement it methodically and deliberately. Your determination to do so can never be in doubt. Then and only then can order be restored. In this case, that means enforcing the law and following the money. Individuals must be held responsible for their lawlessness and those who financed their actions must be dissuaded from ever doing so again.“
So, this egotistical, wealthy globalist insider who spent substantial parts of his adult life living outside of Canada refers to Canadians who supported the peaceful protest adjacent to Parliament Hill by donating a few dollars to the event as seditionists who should have been punished to the the full extent of law, that is, 14 years in prison.
This should give us pause to ponder what would happen under a Carney Prime Ministership should the unwashed masses of Canadians take offence at one of his globalist policies like the implementation of a central bank digital currency and its accompanying social control mechanisms in the future. You can bet that he will use the full force of the law to prevent us from protesting against a Carney government.
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