S$10 Million Tertiary Research Fund

This article was last updated on April 16, 2022

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This Thursday the Education Minister Heng Swee Keat announced that a S$10 Million Tertiary Education Research Fund will be set up to facilitate research on innovative teaching and learning in Singapore’s universities, polytechnics and Institutes of Technical Education (ITE). Mr Heng said this while a at the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning Conference at Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

“Through this fund, I hope to encourage IHLs (institutes of higher learning) to innovate, and to undertake rigorous research,” said Mr Heng . He further added that the funds will be available on competitive basis to researchers in institutes of higher learning. He also added that this scheme aims at encouraging institutes to carry out rigorous research. Mr Heng said that with this new fund MOE will be promoting innovation and research in teaching and learning across all levels of education that is from pre-primary to tertiary. Channel News Asia also informed that Mr Heng said innovation in education is critical to help Singaporeans realize their potential and so there must be the drive to find better ways to help people learn.

It quoted Mr Heng: “By learning about learning, by trying new ways, by rigorous evaluation and integrating promising approaches into a coherent whole, we can make meaningful education innovation. In that way, our students can get the best possible education from preschool and tertiary levels.”

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